SparkSession vs SparkContext

Spark Context

The SparkContext is a central entry point for Spark functionality. It is responsible for coordinating the execution of tasks across a cluster, managing the distribution of data, and scheduling jobs. The SparkContext is the foundation upon which all other Spark functionality is built, and it is the first thing that needs to be created when starting a Spark application.

How to Create Spark Context

A SparkContext is created by using the SparkConf configuration object, which can be used to set various configuration options for the Spark application, such as the amount of memory allocated to the application, the number of cores used, and the master URL. For example:

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} 
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("MyApp").setMaster("local") 
val sc = new SparkContext(conf) 

The setAppName() method sets the name of the Spark application, which is useful for monitoring and debugging purposes.

The setMaster() method sets the master URL, which is the URL of the cluster manager that the Spark application will connect to. It can be set to "local" to run the application on a single machine, or to the URL of a cluster manager such as Mesos or YARN.

Once a SparkContext is created, it can be used to create RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets), which are the fundamental data structure in Spark. RDDs can be transformed and processed using a variety of operations, such as map(), filter(), and reduce(). The SparkContext also provides a textFile() method, which allows you to read a text file into an RDD and a wholeTextFiles() method, that allows you to read a directory of text files into a pair RDD of (file name, content).

The SparkContext also has the ability to broadcast variables, which allows for efficient sharing of read-only variables across all the nodes of the cluster, reducing network traffic and the amount of memory required.

Summary of Spark Context

In summary, The SparkContext is a central entry point for Spark functionality, it is responsible for coordinating the execution of tasks across a cluster, managing the distribution of data, and scheduling jobs. It is created by using the SparkConf configuration object, which can be used to set various configuration options for the Spark application. It is used to create RDDs, which are the fundamental data structure in Spark. It provides a textFile() method, which allows you to read a text file into an RDD and a wholeTextFiles() method, that allows you to read a directory of text files into a pair RDD of (file name, content). It also has the ability to broadcast variables, which allows for efficient sharing of read-only variables across all the nodes of the cluster, reducing network traffic and the amount of memory required.

Spark Session

In Apache Spark, a SparkSession is the entry point to the Spark functionality. It is the main starting point for interacting with data and creating a DataFrame. SparkSession is the new entry point of Spark that replaces the old SQLContext and HiveContext. It is a unified entry point to interact with structured and semi-structured data and it also provides support for reading from and writing to a variety of data sources such as Avro, Parquet, JSON, and JDBC.

How to Create Spark Session

A SparkSession can be created by using the SparkSession.builder() method, which returns a SparkSession.Builder object. The Builder object can then be used to configure the SparkSession and create it. For example:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession 
val spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("MyApp").config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value").getOrCreate() 

The appName() method sets the name of the Spark application, which is useful for monitoring and debugging purposes.

The config() method can be used to set various configuration options for the SparkSession, such as the amount of memory allocated to the application or the number of cores used.

Once a SparkSession is created, it can be used to read data from various sources such as CSV, JSON, and Parquet files, and create a DataFrame. The DataFrame API can be used to perform various operations on the data such as filtering, aggregation, and joining.

A SparkSession also provides a sql() method, which allows you to run SQL queries on the data in a DataFrame, and a read() method, which allows you to read data from various data sources such as CSV, JSON, and Parquet files.

Additionally, a SparkSession also provides methods for caching data in memory and for checkpointing data to disk. Caching data in memory allows Spark to access it faster, which can improve performance for iterative algorithms. Checkpointing data to disk allows Spark to recover from failures more quickly.

In summary, SparkSession is the entry point for interacting with data and creating DataFrames in Apache Spark, it provides a unified entry point for interacting with structured and semi-structured data and it also provides support for reading from and writing to a variety of data sources, it also provides a sql() method, which allows you to run SQL queries on the data in a DataFrame, and a read() method, which allows you to read data from various data sources. It also provides methods for caching data in memory and checkpointing data to disk to improve performance and recovery.

Difference between Spark Context and Spark Session in PySpark

  • One key difference between the SparkContext and SparkSession is that the SparkSession is the preferred way to work with Spark data structures such as DataFrames and Datasets, as it provides a more consistent and simpler interface. The SparkContext is mainly used for lower-level operations, such as creating RDDs, accumulators, and broadcasting variables.
  • The SparkContext is a singleton and can only be created once in a Spark application. The SparkSession, on the other hand, can be created multiple times within an application.

  • The SparkContext is created using the SparkConf, which allows you to set various Spark configurations. The SparkSession, on the other hand, does not have a corresponding configuration object, but you can set configurations using the .config method of the SparkSession.

  • The SparkContext provides methods for creating RDDs, accumulators, and broadcasting variables, as well as methods for starting tasks on the executors. The SparkSession does not provide these methods, but it does provide methods for creating DataFrames and Datasets, as well as methods for reading and writing data.

  • The SparkContext is used to access the underlying Spark environment and perform operations on it. The SparkSession, on the other hand, is used to access the data stored in Spark and perform operations on it.


A SparkSession is the entry point to using Spark functionality. It manages the configuration of the Spark application and coordinates the creation of RDDs, DataFrames, and SQL tables, among other things. A SparkContext, on the other hand, represents the connection to a Spark cluster and is used to configure the cluster resources, execute tasks, and collect results. In most cases, a SparkSession should be used as it includes the functionality of a SparkContext and more. However, in some advanced scenarios, it may be necessary to use a SparkContext directly.

FAQ Section

Q1: What is a SparkContext?

A: A SparkContext is the entry point to any Spark functionality. It represents the connection to a Spark cluster and can be used to create RDDs, accumulators, and broadcast variables on that cluster.

Q2: How do I create a SparkContext?

A: To create a SparkContext, you need to use the SparkConf object to configure your application and then use the SparkConf object to create a SparkContext.

Q3: Can multiple SparkContexts be active in a single JVM?

A: No, only one SparkContext can be active in a single JVM at any given time.

Q4: What is a SparkSession?

A: A SparkSession is a new entry point to Spark functionality that replaces the old SQLContext and HiveContext. It provides a single point of entry to interact with Spark, and it includes all of the SparkContext's functionality.

Q5: Is it necessary to create a SparkSession in Spark?

A: Yes, a SparkSession is required to interact with Spark and access its features.

Q6: What are the benefits of using a SparkSession?

A: Using a SparkSession provides several benefits, including simplified API access, ability to use Spark with multiple languages, and unified DataFrame and SQL API.

Q7: How do I create a SparkSession?

A: To create a SparkSession, you can use the builder pattern and call the .getOrCreate() method on the SparkSession object.

Q8: Can I use both SparkContext and SparkSession in the same application?

A: No, you cannot use both SparkContext and SparkSession in the same application. The SparkSession includes all the functionality of SparkContext, so it is recommended to use SparkSession for all new applications.