Variance in Scala: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Leveraging Covariance, Contravariance, and Invariance


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Variance is a crucial concept in type systems, particularly in languages like Scala that support parametric polymorphism and higher-kinded types. Understanding variance allows you to create more flexible and expressive type hierarchies, improving the safety and maintainability of your code. In this blog post, we will explore covariance, contravariance, and invariance in Scala, their implications on type hierarchies, and how to use them effectively in your code.

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Understanding Variance in Scala

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In Scala, variance refers to the relationship between the type hierarchies of type constructors and their type parameters. There are three types of variance in Scala:

  • Covariance: If A is a subtype of B , then C[A] is a subtype of C[B] .
  • Contravariance: If A is a subtype of B , then C[B] is a subtype of C[A] .
  • Invariance: C[A] and C[B] are unrelated, regardless of the relationship between A and B .

To specify the variance of a type parameter in a type constructor, you can use the + (covariant) or - (contravariant) annotations in the type parameter declaration.

Covariance in Scala

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Covariant type parameters allow you to create more flexible and expressive type hierarchies. In Scala, you can declare a covariant type parameter using the + annotation.

Here's an example of a covariant type hierarchy in Scala:

class Box[+A](val value: A) 
class Fruit 
class Apple extends Fruit 
class Banana extends Fruit 

val appleBox: Box[Apple] = new Box(new Apple) 
val fruitBox: Box[Fruit] = appleBox // This assignment is valid because Box is covariant 

In this example, the Box class has a covariant type parameter A , which allows a Box[Apple] to be treated as a Box[Fruit] since Apple is a subtype of Fruit .

Contravariance in Scala

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Contravariant type parameters provide flexibility in the opposite direction of covariant type parameters. In Scala, you can declare a contravariant type parameter using the - annotation.

Here's an example of a contravariant type hierarchy in Scala:

trait Printer[-A] { 
    def print(value: A): Unit 

class FruitPrinter extends Printer[Fruit] { 
    def print(value: Fruit): Unit = println("A fruit") 

class ApplePrinter extends Printer[Apple] { 
    def print(value: Apple): Unit = println("An apple") 

val applePrinter: Printer[Apple] = new FruitPrinter // This assignment is valid because Printer is contravariant 

In this example, the Printer trait has a contravariant type parameter A , which allows a Printer[Fruit] to be treated as a Printer[Apple] since Apple is a subtype of Fruit .

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Invariance in Scala

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Invariance is the default behavior for type parameters in Scala. Invariant type parameters maintain strict type relationships, disallowing any subtyping relationships between the type constructors, regardless of the relationships between their type parameters.

Here's an example of an invariant type hierarchy in Scala:

class Container[A](val value: A) 

val appleContainer: Container[Apple] = new Container(new Apple) 
// The following assignment is invalid because Container is invariant, and Container[Apple] is not a subtype of Container[Fruit] 
val fruitContainer: Container[Fruit] = appleContainer 

In this example, the Container class has an invariant type parameter A , which prevents a Container[Apple] from being treated as a Container[Fruit] , even though Apple is a subtype of Fruit .

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Variance Rules and Restrictions

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When working with variance in Scala, it is essential to be aware of the rules and restrictions that apply:

  • Covariant type parameters can only appear in the output (covariant) position of a method, such as the return type.
  • Contravariant type parameters can only appear in the input (contravariant) position of a method, such as the method parameters.
  • Invariant type parameters can appear in both input and output positions of a method.

These restrictions are in place to ensure type safety and prevent runtime errors caused by incorrect subtyping relationships.

Best Practices for Using Variance in Scala

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  • Use covariance when you want to allow subtyping relationships that follow the same direction as their type parameters (e.g., collections, read-only structures).
  • Use contravariance when you want to allow subtyping relationships that go in the opposite direction of their type parameters (e.g., function arguments, write-only structures).
  • Use invariance when you need strict type relationships, and neither covariance nor contravariance is appropriate (e.g., mutable data structures).


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Variance is a powerful concept in Scala's type system that enables more flexible and expressive type hierarchies. By understanding covariance, contravariance, and invariance, you can create safer and more maintainable code that leverages the full potential of Scala's type system. Keep these principles in mind when designing your classes and traits, and you will be well-equipped to create robust and efficient Scala applications.